Captain Samuel Crowell



Son: Samuel Crowell  (Doctor)

Captain Samuel Crowell went to sea at the age of 12. What further education he obtained was during winters when at home. At 18 years he was master of a coaster and at 21 year he handed over to his father $1000 of saving besides supporting himself in the meantime. In return his father gave him $20 and his freedom suite.
He went to sea until 35 (1847) coasting, laying up about $20,000. At 37 (1849) went in business with Elisha Crowell in new York at 41(1852) he failed, loosing every cent he had.
He started in again and when he died had accumulated about $80,000.

This line is traced back to when John Crow settled what is now a large part of Cape Cod buying the land from the Indians. One or two generations later, the name was changed to Crowell.


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