Little Blue Heron

A small, dark heron arrayed in moody blues and purples, the Little Blue Heron is a common but inconspicuous resident of marshes and estuaries in the Southeast. They stalk shallow waters for small fish and amphibians, adopting a quiet, methodical approach that can make these gorgeous herons surprisingly easy to overlook at first glance. Little Blue Herons build stick nests in trees alongside other colonial waterbirds. In the U.S., their populations have been in a gradual decline since the mid-twentieth century.


2. Standing in the marsh looking for food.



3. Posing for his photo.




4. Striding




5. Stretching




6. There may be a fish there?




7. Close up.



8. Standing in the trees.



9. Stock still



10. No food up here.




11. Splendid colors.



12. Steady as she goes



13. Stealth



14. Missed


15. Bad hair day?




16. Snagged a bite to eat!




17. Must be a juvenile.

18. Shadow


19. Gramps?


20. Portrait



21. Lunch



22. Extended neck



23. Steady


24. Looking for a meal.


25. Who is that?


26. Intent


27. Look at those feet!


28. Got breakfast nibble.


29. This one does not look very blue!





