The strange, uneven bill of the skimmer has a purpose: the bird flies low, with the long lower mandible plowing the water, snapping the bill shut when it contacts a fish. Strictly coastal in most areas of North America, Black Skimmers are often seen resting on sandbars and beaches. Unlike most birds, their eyes have vertical pupils, narrowed to slits to cut the glare of water and white sand. Flocks in flight may turn in unison, with synchronized beats of their long wings. 

For an in depth view of the skimmers check out my talk on them:  SKIMMER PRESENTATION


1. Black Skimmers in flight


2. The way it starts out.



3. Fishing for dinner.




4. After growing for about 3 weeks.

5. Thinking about flying someday.



6. Dad bringing home dinner.



7. Ready for dinner.



8. Youngin!



9. A few days old.



10. Two black skimmers fishing.



11. Working hard.




12.The head goes down when he catches something.



13. Mom telling dad she is there to take over covering the eggs.



14. More food.



15. Someone is happy to see dinner!!!


Click here for more photographs.

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